Remnants Bunker Fallout New Vegas
Remnants bunker. This page contains Fallout: New Vegas, q&a, questions and answesr cheatsguru.
He is at the Old Mormon Fort, which is in Freeside, on theoutskirts of New Vegas. It is not a marked location on the map,just part of the Freeside area.
How do you get into the remnants bunker in fallout new vegas?
You must hire Arcade Gannon as a companion. You can find Arcade with The Followers area inside Freeside.
How do you get into remnants bunker in fallout new Vegas?
You have to hire 'Arcade Gannon' and a secret little quest will come along. But you have to talk him into it.
How do you begin the arcade Gannon side quest in Fallout New Vegas?
To begin Arcade Gannon's side quest all you have to do is hire him as a companion. He will then talk to you and he will start the quest. Arcade is located in Old Mormon Fort.
How do you get into Remnents Buncker in Fallout New Vegas?
Look up the Quest 'For Auld Laye Syne'. You have to do a few things with Arcade Gannon in your party and he will give you the key.
Were is arcade gannon in fall out new Vegas?
his in the Old Mormon Fort in freeside freeside is next to new vegas
Where does arcade talk to you on Fallout New Vegas?
Can you get the gannon family Tesla Armor without speech in fallout new vegas ps3 version?
If you feel like killing Arcade Gannon. He isn't able to be your companion after the quest so killing him wont effect anything or make anyone hostile.
What is arcade gannons quest on Fallout New Vegas?
Arcade Gannon's quest is called For Auld Lang Syne.
How do you make Arcade Gannon your companion in Fallout New Vegas?
It is very difficult, you have to hate caesar and either want to side with the NCR or want vegas for yourself, you need a high speech, im not sure about science or medicine. When you do get him, keep pushing him to tell you about his past by taking him to places about the enclave or the brotherhood.
How do you get in to the renmates bunker on fallout new veages?
earn your follower's trust (Arcade Gannon) by saying answers and doing things that he approves of. Then he will give you a quest that will lead you into there
What are all the companions on fallout new vagas?
Raul Tejada Rose of Sharon Cassidy Craig Boone Lily Bowen Arcade Israel Gannon Veronica Santangelo
Does fallout new Vegas freeze like Fallout 3?
Occasionally Fallout: New Vegas will freeze, but not as frequently as Fallout 3.
What will the fallout after new Vegas be called?
What is the new fallout called?
What is Fallout New Vegas?
Fallout New Vegas is the fifth installment in the Fallout series. It is for the Xbox 360, PS3, and the PC.
Can you get married in fallout new Vegas?
No, you can't get married in Fallout: New vegas, but you can have sex in the game :)
Should i buy mass effect 2 or Fallout New Vegas?
What game consoles will Fallout New Vegas be for?
fallout new Vegas will be on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360
What game is better Fallout New Vegas or fable 3?
Where do you go to type cheat codes in Fallout New Vegas?
How many quest are there in Fallout New Vegas?
There are over 80 different quest to do in Fallout new Vegas
Will you put all Fallout New Vegas into one game?
How do you drive cars in Fallout New Vegas?
There are no drivable vehicles in Fallout New Vegas, unless added by a mod.
Does anything in Fallout New Vegas spoil anything in Fallout 3?
Nothing in New Vegas spoils Fallout 3. They take place in 2 completely different corners of the country. And New Vegas can not spoil anything for Fallout 3, as New Vegas takes place before the events of Fallout 3. Hope this helps! Also Fallout 3 is not a sequal. But lets pray for a Fallout 4
Are the enclave in fallout new Vegas?
The Enclave is not a major faction in New Vegas, although Arcade Gannon's quest requires you to find a few Enclave Remnants throughout the Mojave. After you complete the quest they will assist you in the final battle. You can also get old fashioned Enclave Power Armor from Fallout 2.
How do you get enclave remanence armor in Fallout New Vegas?
first you need to make arcade gannon your companion then you need to bring him to three places to trigger his memory i know 2 are repfconn headquarters and the crashed vertibird you can look up the other ones then he will give you a quest and follow that to reform the enclave and you will receive the armor
Can you join the NCR in fallout new Vegas for the Xbox360?
fallout new vegas is the same on every counsel so the answer is yes.
What is better Fallout 3 or fallout new Vegas?
In my opinion Fallout 3 is better. New Vegas just doesn't create much of a post-apocalyptic feel.
Who to get to new vegus on fallout?
New Vegas is not an expansion pack for Fallout 3 or part of the game! Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 3 are separate games. As for 'how to get there', you can purchase it almost anywhere retail video-games are sold.
Will there be bobble heads or something similar to it in Fallout New Vegas?
Yes, Fallout: New Vegas will use 'Snow Globes' as an alternative to Fallout 3's 'Bobble Head'.
Is Fallout New Vegas going to be co-op?
It has been confirmed by Obsidian that Fallout: New Vegas will not have a co-op mode.
Where is the cathedral in Fallout New Vegas?
Remnants Bunker Fallout New Vegas Map
The Master's Cathedral was only acessible in Fallout 1, and is too far West to be included in New Vegas. Gta sa 1366x768 resolution download.
Why does Fallout New Vegas have sexual content?
How do you play the game add on Fallout New Vegas?
It is not an expansion pack for Fallout 3! Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 3 are separate titles. As for how to acquire it, you can purchase it almost anywhere retail video-games are sold.
When will a new fallout game come out?
'Fallout: New Vegas' is projected to come out sometime in 2010.
When does the Fallout New Vegas demo come out?
There will be no demo for Fallout: New Vegas. But you could ask Bethasoft for a Beta demo for a charge of twenty dollars.
What are the effects of keeping the name courier in Fallout New Vegas?
There are no adverse effects to keeping the default name for either Fallout 3, or New Vegas.
How do you beat Fallout New Vegas?
Fallout New Vegas is an huge game. To beat the game (aka complete it), you will have to spend several hours on the game.
Can my fallout 3 mods be used in fallout new Vegas?
Nope. Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas are completely different games, sure they are in the same title and the same game engine, but the configurations and in-outs are different for both games, so you cannot simply apply a mod you used for Fallout 3 and try to run it on Fallout: New Vegas. You may be able to find mods that match your Fallout 3 mods for New Vegas on an assortment of different… Read More
How many fallout games have there been?
4. fallout 1 fallout 2 fallout 3 fallout 3 new vegas
Is there any games like Skyrim?
Does bethesda still own fallout after Fallout New Vegas?
Yes, they bought the rights to the Fallout Franchise from Interplay, Obsidian entertainment is developing Fallout : New Vegas, they don't own the rights, and the game is being published by Bethesda.
Does DLC allow you to keep playing Fallout New Vegas?
The DLC in Fallout New Vegas allows you to do more missions, which means yes, it keeps you playing.
Will there be a newer fallout than New Vegas?
If by you mean a new Fallout game the yes, Fallout:San Francisco
How good is Fallout New Vegas?
Fallout New Vegas is a great game. In my opinion, it is better than Fallout 1,2,and 3. You can have more unique weapons than Fallout 3. There are more enemy's, more kinds of species. And more! :)
Where is the enclave in Fallout New Vegas?
The only enclave present in New Vegas is the remnants for arcade gannons special quest which can be activated near the end of for the republic part 2 or the house always wins. If siding with yes man then halfway instead of near the end.
Does California have a pledge to the flag?
To the republic of California? Yes. but that is in fallout, and Fallout: New Vegas.
Is there Xbox live with Fallout 3?
no there is no online mode on fallout 3 or new vegas
What is agood xbox 360 game?
a few r fallout 3 fallout new Vegas metro 2033 fallout 3 & new Vegas r 10 out of10 good good good games ;)
Which game has more mods fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas?
Fallout New Vegas of course 5 examples:Scope, Plasma caster electrode, custom action, focus optic and 10mm recoil cap
Since the game's original release, there has been an Xbox Live update for Fallout: New Vegas that patches some of the glitches, including the 'Easy experience' and 'Infinite caps' type glitches. If you wish to use the glitches, do not download it. You can delete all patches for the game by using the 'Clear hard drive cache' code for the Xbox 360.
Easy experienceThis glitch requires a 25 Speech skill level. Go to Camp McCarran, and talk to Angela Williams in the science lab. Choose the 'I have some questions for you.' option followed by the 'What's your role here?' option. After she answers, choose the 'What do you think of Dr. Hildren?' option. After she answers, choose '[Speech 25] He seemed focused on results. Maybe not so much on people.' You will get 28 experience points each time you do this, and it can be repeated as many times as desired.
This glitch requires a 30 Speech skill level and neutral or friendly with NCR. Go to Camp McCarran, and talk to Sergeant Bitter-Root. You should be able to find him in one of the tents. Ask him about his name, and then there will be an option for a 30 Speech skill level attempt. You can keep saying 'Bitter-Root. You have an unusual name.', and each time you say it, you can do the Speech attempt again. Simply say 'Bitter-Root. You have an unusual name.', do the Speech attempt, ask to talk about something else, and then repeat the process as many times as desired.
This glitch requires a 30 Speech skill level or the 'Confirmed Bachelor' perk and friendly with NCR. Go to HELIOS One, and the woman should automatically talk to you. Once she allows you access to HELIOS One, you should be able to start the 'That Lucky Old Sun' mission. Proceed with the mission, and talk to Fantastic and Ignacio Rivas. While talking to Rivas, make sure you get him to reveal that he is a Follower of the Apocalypse by using Speech or Confirmed Bachelor, and agree with his ideals about peace or say you are neutral. Do the mission regularly until you get to the point where you activate the Mainframe Terminal. Configure the Power Grid to '5. Full Region (Emergency Output Level)'. Finish the mission by hitting the Reflector Control Panel outside on top of the tower. Go back to Ignacio Rivas, and choose the 'I overloaded the plant. No one...' option. That option will never disappear. Keep selecting that option to get 350 XP, 3 Stimpacks, and 2 Doctor's Bags.
If your Speech skill level is 50 or higher, you can persuade Old Ben to offer his escort services to the local bar. You will get 61 XP each time you complete this Speech Challenge. If you follow him back to the bar afterwards and wait until he sits down, you can speak to him again and repeat the same Speech Challenge as many times as desired. You can find Old Ben sitting by a fire close to The King headquarters in Freeside.
This glitch requires a high Speech skill level and 8 Intelligence skill level. Go to the Camp McCarran Terminal building inside Camp McCarran. Talk to the guy at the far end of the building, in the left corner. He is the leader and gives you multiple quests. Accept the interrogation quest, then go meet the woman upstairs to start the quest. When you get in the room to talk to Sirus, pick the 'Intelligence' option first, the 'Speech' option next, and then the 'Intelligence' option. Any of the three 'Intelligence' options work. Then, select the 'Speech' option (which should now be grayed out), and cycle through the 'Intelligence' options. You will get 50 XP every time you cycle through the options.
Go to Vault 11, and you will get a quest to find out what happened there. Once you get the overseer's passcode and enter it into her computer, you will be led to the 'sacrificial chamber'. Use a Stealthboy to get past everyone, and when the walls on the left open (as you walk in), go into the door and access the computer mainframe. You will be given three options, 'Override' and 'Download' for two conversations. Select the second download to get 500 XP. Do not exit the mainframe. Just keep selecting that option to get 500 XP each time. Repeat this as many times as desired.
This glitch requires a 35 Barter skill level. Go to Cottonwood Cove (in the southeast corner of the map alongside the river). You will meet a man named Aurelius of Phoenix (he sometimes wanders out of the camp). Speak to him, and choose to barter with his camp for ammunition and supplies. Select this option will get you 35 XP. Keep selecting that option to get 35 XP each time. Repeat this as many times as desired.
This glitch requires a 35 Medicine skill level. Once you gain access to the main strip, find Victor outside the Lucky 38 Casino. He will tell you that Mr. House wants to meet you. Follow him inside, and go up the elevator. Speak with Mr. House (the giant television face that looks like Howard Hughes). Find the dialogue choice pertaining to needing to ask him a few questions. Then, ask 'Who exactly are you, Mr. House?', and choose 'You appear to be a computer, not a man'. Next, select the Medicine skill check response, 'The lifespan you're claiming is impossible, except for ghouls and super mutants.' You will then get 35 XP (or 39 XP if you have the Swift Learner perk). You can repeat this as many times as desired.
This glitch requires a 50 Barter skill level. In 'The House Always Wins, I' quest, when you meet Mr. House for the first time, he will ask you to get his chip. When he tells you the deal is 1,000 caps, refuse it. Keep refusing his offers after bartering until he tells you to come back. After you talk to him again, select the following choices: 'Tell me your terms again?', 'The chip is worth far more than that', then 'Still not interested', and repeat as many times as desired.
Gamble in a casino, and play roulette. You will get 100 XP no matter if you win or lose.
Infinite capsGo to the town of Primm, and successfully complete the 'My Kind Of Town' quest to get them a new sheriff. Wait 3 to 7 in game days for the Vikki and Vance Casino to open again in Primm. Then, go to the Vikki and Vance Casino, and either win as many chips as possible from gambling or exchange as many caps for chips as possible. Go to the cash register to trade the chips in for caps. You will get the equivalent for the chips in caps, but you will still retain all your chips. Simply keep trading in the chips for caps to get as many caps as desired. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.
Note: This glitch can cause the game to freeze. It is recommended you save your game often when doing this just in case the game freezes. Go to a weapons and/or armor merchant, and see if they have two of the same weapon or armor for sale. If you can afford it, get the overall most expensive item at the lowest condition. For instance, if they have two Raider Sadist Armors at 45% and 76$, but also has two Flamers at 20% and 8%, then choose the Flamers. Purchase the cheapest of the two items, and then immediately sell it back to the merchant. Buy it again, and sell it back to them again. Usually the second, but sometimes the third time, you buy the same item from them, and it will appear in your inventory at 100% condition. Sell it back to them, and it will reappear in their inventory at the original low % condition. Buy it again, and it will appear at 100% condition. Repeat this until they have no more caps. If you wait three days after they run out of caps, they will have new stock and approximately 650 caps. The longer you wait, the more robust their inventory will be and the more caps they will have. You can also use the following trick to get their inventory and caps refilled much quicker. Once the merchant runs out of caps, wait one hour (game time) to force an auto save. Then, quit the game, and go to the Xbox 360 Dashboard. Select the 'Memory' option under the system menu, then choose 'Hard Drive' and find the auto save file. Copy it to a memory card. Go to your memory card, and copy it back to the hard drive. Load your saved game, but do not buy or sell anything yet. Wait one hour to force another auto save. Quit, and start the game again. Sell or buy anything. Wait one hour, quit, and start over. The merchant's inventory and caps will have reset. Repeat this process as many times as desired.
Successfully complete the 'Wang Dang Automatic Tango' quest to find Fisto, a Sexbot. Then, go to Silver Rush Casino, and talk with Fisto next to the roulette table. He will offer his services. Choose the 'No thanks' response to get 10 caps. You can keep selecting this answer as many times as desired to get 10 caps each time.
Play the 'I Put A Spell On You' quest (you start the 'I Put A Spell On You' quest through the Caesar's legion quest line), and complete up to the part where you blow up the monorail and have to go talk to Colonel Hsu. Note: Make sure you have successfully blackmailed Private Crenshaw first. You will have the option to tell him who blew up the monorail. After you tell him who it was, you will have to provide proof. Tell him Private Crenshaw had explosives and plans for the operation bearing Caesar's emblem. He will award you 100 caps. You can keep doing this to get 100 caps each time. -From: SummerSinner
Easy capsIf you lose in any of the gambling games and then reload your saved game, the game will force you to wait 30 seconds to prevent you from cheating. However, there is a way around it. When you are at the slot machines, do not exit slot machine mode to reload your game when you lose. Instead, once the wheel stops spinning and your results are shown, pause the game and reload your saved game. As long as you do not exit slot machine mode before reloading, you will not be forced to wait 30 seconds after reloading. To make easy money, try the slot machine at its maximum of 200 tokens. Never try more than twice at a time. If you lose both spins, just reload your saved game. If you win one of the two times, save your game and continue. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.
In Guardian Peak, you will meet an NCR soldier who is wounded. Through some Speech checks, you can get him to give you his gun for escorting him out of the cave that he is in. When you get to the entrance of the cave with him in tow, he will speak, and you can keep asking him for his rifle, which he will give you along with ammunition. Note: This is best done after getting the perk that allows for over encumbered fast travel.
Free repairsThe following glitch allows you to repair all items to the player's current repair level without using any caps. You first must have the Confirmed Bachelor perk and enough caps to cover the repair cost of the item. When you arrive at the Mohave Outpost to get the pardon for the new sheriff of Primm, during the conversation with Major Knight, a Confirmed Bachelor speech option is available. Select it, and whenever you do repairs through him, the item will get repaired to your repair level, but no caps will be deducted from your inventory. This can be very useful when combined with any of the 'Infinite caps' glitches, and results in your player having all items at 100% condition (even items like the Fat Man, where replacement parts are difficult to find).
Infinite magazinesGo to Old Mormon Fort in Freeside. Find Julie Farkes inside the Fort. Choose the dialogue option to help them get medical supplies. Go through the dialogue options to hear one that tells you that she just got a shipment of magazines. Then, choose the 'I have some medical supplies to drop off' option. There will then be three options; choose the 'Rad-Away' option, as it is the easiest one of the three to find. You only need to leave one thing if you do not care about fame. Every time you give them something, you will gain more fame. After you give them the supplies, choose the 'I'd like to buy medical supplies' option. There are a few aid supplies there that you can get if desired, but they will not regenerate. In the supply list, you can find the magazines. Buy any desired magazines, and then exit. You can then choose the option to give med supplies again. This time you do not need to give them anything; simply choose the 'Never mind' option. Go back to 'Buy medical supplies', and you can repeat the process for more magazines. You repeat this as many times as desired as long as you choose to drop off supplies first. You can even come back to do it again at a later time. You can get the following magazines: Fix-in' Things (Repair +10), Lad's Life (Survival +10), Meeting People (Speech +10), Programmer's Digest (Science +10), Salesman Weekly (Barter +10), and Today's Physician (Medical -10).
Easy killsPurchase or find the Anti-Material Rifle. Then, equip it with incendiary rounds. Target an enemy or enemies with it in VATS, then close VATS. You will not use any ammunition, but they will still be on fire and lose health. You will not aggro enemies or friendlies. Also, you will not lose Karma or Reputation with each kill. This glitch is very useful if you need to kill a NCR/Legion that has a weapon or item on them. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.
Easy stealingFind a place to hide that is out of the line of sight of all surrounding NPC's, and save the game. Then, pick up an item by clicking the Right Analog-stick, and drag it to your hiding spot. Once it says you are 'hidden', press A to add it to your inventory. If you lose any Karma, reload your saved game, and try again. A good place to do this trick at is Gloria Van Graff's energy weapons shop in Silver Rush, Freeside. You can do this with any of the items on the counter, and there is a hiding spot on the back side of the room.
Easy SpeechThis glitch requires a 20 Speech skill level. Talk to the 10 of Spades in Camp McCarren. You may first need to find out about Corporal Betsy's trauma. Start a dialogue with him, and select 'I heard about what happened to Corporal Betsy', then 'Tell me what happened'. The next options will be the Speech Check or 'If you were unconscious, how could you have done anything?' Do the Speech Check, and then the other option will be the only one available except 'Never mind'. After you select the unconscious option, the Speech Check will be available again, but grayed out. However, you can still keep pressing A, and they will alternate. Even though the Speech Check is grayed out, it still counts as a pass.
Easy Hacking, Speech, and Stealing bonusesSave the game before starting a dialogue with a Speech bonus, hacking a computer, lock picking, or pick pocketing. Then, simply reload the game if you fail the challenge.
Easy hackingTo always hack successfully, go to the terminal, and save the game. Then, start the sequence. If you fail, just reload your saved game, and try again until you do it successfully.
Only use three attempts during a hack, so you leave yourself with one to back out. Then, go back to the attempts screen, and you will have four more chances. Repeat this as many times as desired. -From: Brett Grimes
If you move your cursor throughout the symbols, sometimes you will highlight a group of symbols that you can enter as the password. They usually start with '(', '<', '[', or '{', have different characters in the middle, and end with the same symbol that it started with, except in reverse, such as ')', '>', ']', or '}'. This will completely refill your password attempts, or delete 'dud' words. -From: Brett Grimes
Sell any weapon that is broken to the Gun Runners. You will receive 0 caps. Accept the sale, and then buy it back for 0 caps. It will be fully repaired for free. -From: Chris Greffe
Killing people without getting bad karmaFind a large object that you can push or pick up. Drop it next to a standing NPC that is not leaning against a wall, doing push-ups, or sitting. Run against the object, and it will damage the NPC without them becoming hostile or you losing reputation. Repeat this until the target is dead. Note: You may take some damage, and the object might fly away.
Getting better itemsFind a vendor that has two of the same items, but different quality. If you buy the cheaper quality item, you will still get the higher quality item.
Skipping directly to the stripIn Camp McCarran, you can gain entry to the monorail that goes directly to the strip. Take the long way around, and stay as close to the vending machines as possible. Follow the wall around the back way. Make sure the other soldier has his back to you. Crouch and sneak up to this soldier. You may hear the phrase indicating that if you get any closer, they will have to shoot you. However, as long as you remain hidden, it should only flash 'Detected' briefly a few times. As soon as you are close enough to the door, you can go through it and take a monorail directly to the strip. This may require a few attempts. Be careful when returning to the monorail from the strip, as you will probably be shot. However, as soon as you enter the monorail, it resets, and you can again ride it back to the strip again. By using this glitch, you can bypass many annoyances and quests, and skip directly to meeting Mr. House and finding the person who shot you.
Stealing all 37 gold bars ('Dead Money' DLC)Note: This trick requires a few C4 and a Detonator. In the final part of the 'Dead Money' downloadable content, you will enter a vault with 37 gold bars weighing 35 pounds each. Each gold bar is worth 10,539 caps. You are not supposed to be able to take them all; however, this glitch allows you to take all 37 gold bars. Enter the vault, and the door will lock behind you. Take everything in the room that you want including the 36 gold bars on the table to your right and the gold bar on the Overseers desk. Deactivate the security system, and activate the computer on the desk. Then, only read 'Vera', and do not access the file that shows up after you read it. Elijah will appear on the monitor; convince him to meet you in the vault. When the conversation ends, the door will unlock. Leave the room immediately, and walk to the far right stairway. A blue force field will appear blocking your path; lay the C4 at the bottom of those stairs, and then press your body against the blue force field in the doorway. When Elijah finishes speaking, he should switch places with you. Make sure he is on or very near your C4. Detonate the C4, and then leave the way you came. You should now have all 37 gold bars worth a total of 389,943 caps.
Chinese Stealth Armor locationEnter the offices in Hoover Dam, and find the room with radiation signs around it. In that room are barrels of goo. To the left is a stack of crates. One of the crates contains the armor. There are two sets, so you can make repairs.
Desert Ranger Combat Armor location ('Honest Hearts' DLC)The Desert Ranger Combat Armor is in Zion, Stone Bones Cave in Sorrows Camp in the 'Honest Hearts' bonus downloadable content. It is the best non-power armor in the game, and has no faction connections.
Spacesuit locationGo to the REPCONN rocket factory where the 'Come Fly With Me' mission takes place. Go to the basement where Chris goes when they are about to launch the rocket and asks for spare parts. In this room to the left side as you enter is a shelf with an orange suit and a helmet that resembles a fish bowl. Pick them up. When you wear them, they look like something from a 1960's comic book. The Spacesuit gives a good amount of RAD resistance, but has a low DT and breaks easily.
Unique weapon locationsSearch the indicated locations to find all unique weapons:
- .357 Magnum Revolver - Lucky: In Primm at The Bison Steve Hotel, in a floor safe (requires 75 Lockpick skill level) behind the cash register of the Gift Shop (northeast room).
- .44 Magnum Revolver - Mysterious Magnum: Owned by the Lonesome Drifter, by the Sunset Sasparilla Billboard, close to El Dorado Dry Lake.
- 9 Iron - Nephi's Golf Driver: Carried by a Fiend named Driver Nephi, in his territory.
- 9mm Pistol - Maria: On Benny, when you kill him.
- 9mm Submachine Gun - Vance's Submachine Gun: In Win's Hideout, inside the safe.
- Alien Blaster: Locate the large spaceship north and a little east of Horowitz Farmstead (east of Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch), then kill the Alien Captain. Note: Wild Wastleland trait is required.
- BB Gun - Abilene Kid LE BB Gun: Inside the Fiend's Shack, lying on a shelf.
- Bladed Gauntlet - Cram Opener: In Camp McCarran, owned by Little Buster.
- Boxing Gloves - Golden Gloves: Inside Lucky 38 Casino, on the upper bar of the casino floor.
- Bumper Sword - Blade Of The East: In Legate's Camp, carried by Legate Lanius.
- Cleaver - Chopper: On the stove of Wolfhorn Ranch.
- Combat Knife - Chance's Knife: In Chance's Grave.
- Cowboy Repeater - La Longue Carabine: In Camp McCarran, carried by Corporal Sterling, whom you must kill to get it.
- Displacer Glove - Pushy: Inside the Ruby Hill Mine, on the body of a Jackal Gang member.
- DogTag Fist - Recompense Of The Fallen: In Aurelius' desk, on the upper floor of the main building in Cottonwood Cove.
- Euclid's C-Finder: On the Freeside Streets, carried by Max, in and around Nick and Ralph's. To use the weapon, you must supply power to ARCHIMEDES II during the 'That Lucky Old Sun' mission.
- Fat Man: In Quarry Junction, near the skeleton by the southern silt pool. It is also occasionally found on prospector corpses.
- Fire Axe - Knock Knock: In the Camp Searchlight Fire Station, in the restrooms.
- Frag Grenade - Holy Frag Grenade: In Camp Searchlight, in the basement of the eastern church. Note: Wild Wastleland trait is required.
- Gauss Rifle - YCS/186: At the Mercenary Camp; Wild Wasteland trait must not be taken.
- Grenade Machine-gun - Mercy: On the floor of Dead Wind Cavern, near a dead BoS Paladin.
- Grenade Rifle - Thump-Thump: At the Nellis Array, lying on the floor near the Ant mound.
- Hunting Shotgun - Dinner Bell: At The Thorn, in the sewers in front of Westside. You must complete the 'Bleed Me Dry' quest given by Red Lucy.
- Laser Pistol - Pew Pew: After completing 'The Legend Of The Star' quest, it will be on the body of Allen Marks.
- Laser Rifle - AER14 Prototype: Inside the Vault 22 Common Area, on the blocked stairwell only accessible from the fifth level (Pest Control).
- Lead Pipe - The Humble Cudgel: Inside the Sealed Sewers, near the Prospector Corpse.
- Machete - Liberator: In Nelson, carried by Dead Sea.
- Minigun - CZ57 Avenger: In The Devil's Throat in the northeast of the map. In the middle of the crater is a truck. Inside is a dead prospector, and next to him is the CZ57 Avenger minigun with a pack of ammo. On his body is a Party Hat, Authority Glasses, Reinforced Combat Armor, and some other items. Note: The Party Hat and Authority Glasses are unique apparel items.
- Missile Launcher - Annabelle: In Black Rock Mountain, carried by the Nightkin Sniper on Black Rock Summit, whom you must kill to get it.
- Marksman Carbine - All-American: In the Armory Cache, Vault 34, on the floor, on an upturned table.
- Oh, Baby!: In the deepest part of Charleston Cave, near a Chewed Stealth Boy.
- Plasma Rifle - Q-35 Matter Modulator: In the locked shipping room of REPCONN HQ, in a pod casement.
- Pulse Gun: In the Armory Cache, Vault 34.
- Sawed-Off Shotgun - Big Boomer: In Gibson Scrap Yard, carried by Old Lady Gibson, whom you must kill to get it.
- Sniper Rifle - Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle: In the footlocker of the Sniper's Nest, overlooking the Cottonwood Cove.
- Spiked Knuckles - Love and Hate: In Bonnie Springs, on the Viper Gang Leader.
- Straight Razor - Figaro: In the back of King's School Of Impersonation, owned by Sergio, whom you must kill to get it.
- Tesla Cannon - Tesla-Beaton Prototype: On the ground near the crashed Vertibird, which is located at the south of the map, in about the middle.
- That Gun: In Novac, on a shelf in the locked storage room inside the Dino Bite Gift Shop.
- This Machine: At the end of the 'Dealing With Contreras' quest, it will be a reward from Contreras for not turning him in.
- Varmint Rifle - Ratslayer: Inside the Broc Flower Cave, propped up against the desk.
- Zap Glove - Paladin Toaster: In Black Rock Cave, near the body of the dead prospector.
The following unique weapons require the 'Honest Hearts' bonus downloadable content:
- A Light Shining In Darkness: In a footlocker infront of the Southern Passage right after the main quest is completed.
- Survivalist's Rifle (Unique Service Rifle): In Zion, Red Gate.
Search the indicated locations to find all eight companions. Successfully complete the listed task(s) to recruit the corresponding companion. Note: You can only have one human as a companion at a time. If you recruit a new human companion, you will need to tell them to go to the Lucky 38 Casino so you can swap with him or her later.
Arcade Israel Gannon
Location: Arcade Gannon is a member of the Followers Of The Apocalypse with a mysterious past, and can be found in the Old Mormon Fort.
Perk: Better Healing allows you to regain 20% more health from all sources such as Stimpaks, Doctor's Bags, food, etc.
Upgrade: Hoover Dam help or Tesla Armor as a gift when you complete the quest.
Location: Cass (a.k.a. Rose of Sharon Cassidy) is a caravan merchant and the daughter of John Cassidy, and can be found at the Mojava Outpost inside the Mojava Outpost Barracks sitting at the bar drinking. You must complete the 'Heartache By The Number' quest to start the process of being able to recruit her. You must then complete the 'You Can Depend On Me' quest from Alice McLafferty. Note: Additional quests may come up during these quests depending on the choices you make and how you are playing the game.
Perk: Whiskey Rose gives you and Cass a higher damage level when you both drink whiskey. You will also not suffer intelligence loss from consuming alcohol and ignoring the effects of alcohol addiction.
Upgrade: Hand Of Vengeance or Calm Heart. The Hand Of Vengeance allows Cass to do 15% additional damage with all guns, and to have better skills with guns. The Calm Heart gives Cass +50 HP, and makes her survive longer during combat.
Craig Boone
Location: Craig Boone is a very talented ex-NCR sniper with a grudge against Caesar's Legion, and can be found inside the Dino's mouth guarding the town of Novac after 9 p.m. You must complete the 'One For My Baby' quest that he gives you when you talk to him in order to be able to recruit him as a companion. He offers a lot of help if you play in Hardcore mode. He pairs really well with either ED-E or Rex.
Perk: Spotter automatically marks hostile targets in the area, which can help at night in case you do not spot an enemy or to differentiate between a friend or an enemy.
Upgrade 1: 1st Recon Beret, which gives you +1 Perception and +5% Critical Chance. You will get this after completing the first quest with Craig Boone.
Upgrade 2: 1st Recon Survival Armor or 1st Recon Assault Armor. The only difference between both armors is cosmetic. You will get this after completing the second quest with Craig Boone.
Location: ED-E is a prototype eyebot designed for combat and reconnaissance operations, and can be found in Primm.
Perk: Enhanced Sensors allow you to detect enemies at an increased range, and enemies will appear on the compass and can be targeted in VATS even while cloaked. This works even better if you use this in conjunction with the Spotter perk from Craig Boone.
Upgrade: Enhanced armor or weapons when you complete the quest.
Lily Bowen
Location: Lily Bowen is a friendly nightkin and former member of the Master's army, and can be found in Jacobstown.
Perk: Stealth Girl improves the duration of Stealth Boys by 200%, and all Sneak Attack Critical Hits do an additional 10% damage.
Upgrade: Dialogue about medicine after psychotic breaks or administer medicine in varying amounts to affect the frequency of psychotic breaks and combat damage.
Raul Tejada
Location: Raul Tejada is a ghoul mechanic and former gunslinger held hostage by Tabitha, the mad leader of the State of Utobitha, and can be found in Black Mountain.
Perk: Regular Maintenance slows down the decreasing condition of weapons and armor. It basically lengthens the amount of time you have with a weapon or armor. This can also counteract the negative effects of the Build to Destroy trait.
Upgrade: Vaquero or Full Maintenance. Vaquero gives an increased combat ability. Full Maintenance slows down the decreasing condition of weapons and armor by 75%.
Location: Rex is a cyberdog belonging to The King, and can be found inside The King's School Of Impersonation in Freeside. You will either need to pay 500 caps or have a 60 Speech skill level to get past Pacer who is guarding the door. You will get the 500 caps back when you talk to The King inside. You must complete the 'G.I. Blues' quest given from The King before you get the 'Nothin' But A Hound Dog' quest from him, which is how you will be able to recruit Rex. It takes approximately 40 minutes to complete both of these quests.
Perk: Search and Mark allows you to find unequipped chems, firearms, and ammunition within a short distance as well as other items such as hidden safes and hollow rocks while you are using the binoculars.
Veronica Santangelo
Location: Veronica Santangelo is a disillusioned Brotherhood Scribe, and can be found in the 188 Trading Post.
Perk: Scribe Assistant allows you to craft workbench items through Veronica's dialogue. She is basically a portable workbench. She also benefits in close combat skills when you complete the quest.
Search the indicated locations to find all skill books:
Tales Of A Junktown Jerky Vendor (Barter)
- 1. Allied Technologies Offices: In the room to the west of the entrance room, in the southwest corner.
- 2. Cap Counterfeiting Shack: On the suitcase by the bed, in the back room of the cellar.
- 3. Primm: Inside the Bison Steve Casino, on the floor behind the gift shop counter.
- 4. Vault 22 (Pest Control): Go north of the steps from the elevator, into the lab room; it is on the table with bubbling vials.
Nikola Tesla And You (Energy Weapons)
- 1. Hidden Valley: In Bunker L1, in the white plastic bin by the desk in Schuler's office.
- 2. Old Nuclear Test Site: On the small table opposite the entrance, inside the irradiated shack.
- 3. REPCONN HQ: Inside the locked shipping room with the collapse ceiling, on top of a safe on the floor, in the corner.
- 4. REPCONN HQ: On the second floor, in the northeast server room, on the table with the terminal in the far corner.
Duck And Cover! (Explosives)
- 1. Mojave Outpost: Inside the bar and barracks building, on the bottom shelf, in the middle below the bar counter.
- 2. Nellis AFB: Inside Mother Pearl's barracks, on the bookshelf.
- 3. Ranger Station Foxtrot: On the desk in the office.
- 4. Sloan: Inside the small barracks shack, next to the trailer, on the left locker shelf, near the bunk beds.
Guns And Bullets (Guns)
- 1. Gomorrah: In the Zoara Club, on the first low bookshelf, to the left of Big Sal's office.
- 2. Nevada Highway Patrol Station: In the first room you come to after the entrance, on a desk near the door that leads to the cells.
- 3. Raul's Shack: In the small wooden crate on the floor, at the foot of the metal shelves, to the left of the entrance.
- 4. Vault 34: On the small metal table between the sofas by the pool table, in the Armory Common room. Follow the sign after descending.
Pugilism Illustrated (Hand-to-Hand)
- 1. Fisherman's Pride Shack: On the bedside table inside the shack.
- 2. Nipton Road Rest-stop: Inside the store marked 'Lester', on one of the wooden bookcase shelves.
- 3. The Tops Casino: On a small table near the pool tables, in the Presidential Suite.
- 4. Vault 11: Inside the living quarters, in Female Dorm #1, by the fallen dresser.
Tumblers Today (Lockpick)
- 1. Bitter Springs Recreation Area: Inside the office shack to the west, on the desk in the smaller of the two rooms.
- 2. Silver Peak Mine: Inside the shack, behind the two small tables, on the bottom of an open locker, to the right of the entrance.
- 3. The Prospector's Den: Inside the cave system, in the subterranean section, in the barracks room, on the floor in the far right corner.
- 4. Wolfhorn Ranch: Inside the farmhouse, under the door-less refrigerator.
D.C. Journal Of Internal Medicine (Medicine)
- 1. Follower's Safehouse: On the bedside table shelf, in the second room.
- 2. HELIOS One: On the bed with the pillow, in the room with the Holotape password, on the very top floor; cross the planks to get there.
- 3. Mesquite Mountains Crater: Inside Hell's Motel, below the globe with the hat on it, on the table with the repair kit and radio.
- 4. Novac: Inside Ranger Andy's motel bungalow, in the middle of the queen-sized bed.
Grognak The Barbarian (Melee Weapons)
- 1. Cannibal Johnson's Cave: On the sleeping mattress near the ham radio, close to the campfire.
- 2. Cottonwood Cave: Inside the Headquarters building, on the upper floor, on the bedside table's shelf.
- 3. Hidden Supply Cave: On one of the cave's large metal crates.
- 4. Jacobstown: On the floor next to the cooker, inside the eastern bungalow, near the pond.
Dean's Electronics (Repair)
- 1. Abandoned BoS Bunker: On the metal sill, opposite the reloading bench, inside the office area.
- 2. Nellis Air Force Base: Inside Loyal's workshop shed, on the long metal counter.
- 3. Sloan: Inside the barracks, on the shelf between the dino toy and radio.
- 4. Southern Nevada Wind Farm: Inside the shack, on the table with the clipboard.

Big Book Of Science (Science)
- 1. Brewer's Beer Bootlegging: In the basement of the shack, on the table with the chemistry equipment.
- 2. Camp Forlorn Hope: Inside Major Polati's tent, on the desk in the far right corner.
- 3. Nipton: On the mayor's desk, on the top floor of the town hall.
- 4. REPCONN Headquarters: Inside the HQ, on a shelf in the Gift Shop store-room.
Chinese Army: Spec. Ops Training Manual (Sneak)
- 1. Camp Searchlight: In the east chapel, inside the Gecko-filled basement, on the stone floor, at the foot of the metal shelves.
- 2. Goodsprings: Under a book in the low bookcase, inside the ranch house just east of the schoolhouse.
- 3. NCR Sharecropper Farms: In the ranch house near the four fertilizer hoppers, by the corner desk.
- 4. Vault 3: On the low bookcase, inside the executive dorm.
Lying, Congressional Style (Speech)
- 1. Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch: On an open locker shelf, in the upstairs room with the chessboard.
- 2. Cerulean Robotics: On the floor among the desks in the office.
- 3. Lucky Jim Mine: Inside the shack, below the Varmint rifle, to the right of the empty fridges.
- 4. NCR Correctional Facility: In the Administration Building, on the desk in the darkened room opposite Eddie's room.
Wasteland Survival Guide (Survival)
- 1. Lone Wolf Radio: Inside the radio trailer, near the Scrap Electronics and mattress.
- 2. Matthews Animal Husbandry Farm: Top balcony of the northern barn, near the barrel.
- 3. Mesquite Mountains Campsite: Inside the westernmost tent, behind the rolled-up bedding.
- 4. Scavenger Platform: On the Northern Platform section, among the other books by the fallen metal shelf.
Search the indicated locations to find all Hollow Rocks, which contain ammunition and equipment stashes:
- 1. Northern Passage: On the eastern rock wall, near the grave and 'The Sun Is Killing Me' graffiti.
- 2. Ruby Hill Mine: Part of the rock wall, just to the right of the door.
- 3. Charleston Cave: Part of the rock wall, just to the right of the door, by the heart graffiti.
- 4. Silver Peak Mine: Part of the wall, just to the right of the shack through which you enter.
- 5. Vault 22: On the north bank, across from the 'Keep Out' sign, by the entrance.
- 6. Jacobstown: Just outside the perimeter, to the right of the main entrance, where the Super Mutants stand guard.
- 7. Remnants Bunker: About 10 feet north of the entrance, part of the rock wall.
- 8. Chance's Map: Adjacent to the dirt map, with 'The Sun Is Killing Me' graffiti on it.
- 9. Bloodborne Cave: Just to the right of the cave entrance.
- 10. Cannibal Johnson’s Cave: Just to the right of the cave entrance.
- 11. Fisherman’s Pride Shack: By the campfire, north-west of the shack.
- 12. Camp Guardian: Next to the Camp Guardian population sign, at the base of the path up to Guardian Peak.
- 13. Follower’s Outpost: Built into the steps of the signal box structure.
- 14. Boulder Beach Campground: By the side of the road, north-west of the jetties, with 'The Sun Is Killing Me' graffiti.
- 15. Cazador Nest: Part of the rock wall, on the east side of the nest alcove, facing back towards the alcove.
- 16. Tribal Village: At the start of the Ravine Path, close to the corpses and tents.
- 17. Makeshift Great Kahn Camp: On the west side of camp, near the desert plants.
- 18. Yangtze Memorial: At the base of the south steps, with the peace symbol graffiti.
- 19. Goodsprings Cave: Just to the right of the cave entrance.
- 20. Primm: Attached to a large rock, near the scattered chems and the rock perimeter, above the concrete support wall.
- 21. Jack Rabbit Springs: South of the pools of radiation, on the shore of the Dry Lake.
- 22. Morning Star Cavern: By the entrance to the cavern, by the bones and the explosive crate.
- 23. Crescent Canyon West: In the canyon, on the west exit slope, adjacent to a rusting car husk.
- 24. Crescent Canyon East: On the east exist slope, just after the rail bridge.
- 25. Vault 11: Just to the right of the entrance.
- 26. Black Rock Cave: Just to the north of the fallen radar dish.
- 27. El Dorado Dry Lake: West of the Savaged Brahmin, in the sands of the Dry Lake.
- 28. Hidden Valley: West of the eastern bunker, with the 'no missile' and heart graffiti.
- 29. Powder Ganger Camp East: Next to a Honey Mesquite Tree, around 20 to 30 feet south of the camp.
- 30. Primm Pass: Close to the Brahmin bones, on the western end of the pass.
- 31. Dead Wind Cavern: On the south rock wall slope, around 20 to 30 feet from the entrance.
- 32. Hidden Supply Cave: To the left of the cave entrance, with the 'no missile' graffiti.
- 33. Walking Box Cavern: Around 20 to 30 feet east of the cavern entrance.
- 34. Broc Flower Cave: At the foot of the entrance slope, with 'The Sun Is Killing Me' graffiti.
- 35. Abandoned BoS Bunker: With the small cluster of rocks and shale on the slope leading up to the bunker grating.
- 36. Techatticup Mine: To the right of the entrance, with the white blocks graffiti.
- 37. Lucky Jim Mine: Slightly beyond the shack, near the wooden cart.
- 38. Searchlight North Gold Mine: On the flat rock bank to the south of the entrance hole.
- 39. Searchlight East Gold Mine: Southeast of the entrance; climb on the pile of rock and shale to reach it.
- 40. Cottonwood Cave: On the road between the two sets of crucifixion poles, with 'The Sun Is Killing Me' graffiti.
- 41. Bradley's Shack: On the west side of the entrance, by the small valley landslide.
- 42. Fire Root Cavern: At the foot of the entrance slope, on the left.
Search the indicated locations to find all seven Snow Globes:
- Goodsprings: In Goodsprings Cemetery, at the foot of the small rectangular gravestone, near where the earth has been dug up, close to the water tower.
- Mormon Fort: In Old Mormon Fort, inside the same tower as Julie Farkas' office, on top of a wooden bookcase.
- Test Site: In Lucky 38 Casino, in the cocktail lounge, on the curved sideboard across from the entrance, behind the till.
- The Strip: In Vault 21, inside Sarah's locked bedroom, between the two beds, on a small table.
- Nellis AFB: In Nellis Air Force Base, inside Pete's museum, on the corner table by the mural.
- Hoover Dam: In Hoover Dam, on a desk in the visitor's center, by a terminal.
- Mt. Charleston: In Jacobstown, on the large curved desk in the reception area of the lodge, near the terminals.
The following Snow Globe requires the 'Honest Hearts' bonus downloadable content:
- Zion National Park: In the general store, on the bottom shelf near the cash register.
Search the indicated locations to find all Caravan Cards and people to play the card game against:
- Ambassador Dennis Crocker: In NCR Embassy, play or take.
- Blake: In Crimson Caravan Company, purchase cards from Blake.
- Chet: In Goodsprings, purchase cards from Chet.
- Cliff Briscoe: In Novac, inside the Dino Dee-lite Gift Shop or inside Dinky. Play or take.
- Dale Barton: In The Fort, near the Legate’s Gate. Play or take.
- Isaac: In Gun Runners, play Isaac, or get his cards from him using any desired method.
- Johnson Nash: In Primm, inside the Vikki and Vance Casino. Play or take.
- Jules: In North Vegas Square, near the Squatters. Play or take.
- Keith: In Aerotech Office Park, inside Suite 200. Play or take.
- Lacey: In Mojave Outpost, propping up the barracks bar. Play or take.
- No-bark Noonan: In Novac, in his shack, or around town. Play or take.
- Little Buster: In Camp McCarran, near the First Recon tents. Play Little Buster, or take his cards.
- Old Lady Gibson: In Gibson Scrap Yard, purchase cards from Old Lady Gibson.
- Poindexter: In Camp Golf, take them.
- Private Jake Erwin: In NCR Embassy, play or take.
- Prospector Corpse: In Central Sewers, at Prospector's Rest, inside the sewer. Loot the corpse.
- Prospector Corpse: In Deathclaw Promontory, on a corpse, surrounded by deathclaws.
- Prospector Corpse: In Nevada Highway Patrol Station, on a corpse, in the cells.
- Prospector Corpse: In Prospector's Den, on a corpse, inside the dorm room.
- Prospector Corpse: In Prospector's Den, on a corpse, just outside the cave entrance.
- Prospector Corpse: In Prospector's Den, on a corpse, placed randomly inside the cave.
- Prospector Corpse: In Prospector's Den, on a corpse, placed randomly inside the cave.
- Prospector Corpse: In Prospector's Den, on a corpse, placed randomly inside the cave.
- Prospector Corpse: In Scorpion Gulch, on a corpse, near the ramp, in the ravine.
- Quartermaster Mayes: In Camp Forlorn Hope, inside his tent. Play or take.
- Ringo: In Goodsprings, inside the Gas Station. Play or take. He also gives you your first deck.
The 'That Gun' unique weapon resembles Deckard's Gun from Blade Runner.
Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull referenceGo south on the road out of Goodsprings. After about 100 yards, you will find a refrigerator at the base of a hill. There is a skeleton wearing a fedora inside.
Star Wars referenceGo to the town of Nipton. Walk to the right of the town hall's front entrance to find a burned out building, with a pair of burned corpses in front. The view resembles the scene from Star Wars where Luke Skywalker finds the bodies of his Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen.
Easy 'Artful Pocketer' achievementThis trick can be done before or after you have completed the quests in Nipton. Inside the Nipton General Store is an NPC named 'Boxcar'. Since the Legion has broken his legs, he cannot chase after you when you pick his pocket, nor will he fight back. You can repeatedly enter and exit out of the general store if caught and place items in Boxcar's inventory, then steal them back until you have gotten the 'Artful Pocketer' achievement. If you do not want infamy with the Powder Gangers, create a new saved game before using this trick.
Easy 'Outstanding Orator' achievementWhen you have a Speech 40 skill level, go to Camp Golf, by Lake Las Vegas. Accept the quest from the sergeant. Agree to O'Hanran's method, and convince everyone, with Mags being the last. After convincing Mags to play nice, accept her method, and go to the gun range. Help them with their guns (45 skill level required), and wait for them to start walking back to their tent. Talk to Razz, and ask about squadmates. The speech challenge should still be there. You can easily get the 'Outstanding Orator' achievement, as well as experience points in increments of 40. When you are done, talk to the sergeant to complete the quest or talk to O'Hanran and ask about the squad. Note: You have the option of helping them with explosives after the guns.
AchievementsAccomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
- New Kid (10 points): Reach 10th level.
- Up and Comer (20 points): Reach 20th level.
- The Boss (30 points): Reach 30th level.
- Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal (10 points): Recruit any companion.
- The Whole Gang's Here (25 points): Recruit all companions.
- Crafty (15 points): Craft 20 items.
- Mod Machine (15 points): Install 20 weapon mods.
- Walker of the Mojave (10 points): Discover 50 locations.
- Master of the Mojave (25 points): Discover 125 locations.
- Globe Trotter (25 points): Discover all snow globes.
- You Run Barter Town (15 points): Sell 10,000 caps worth of goods.
- Blast Mastery (15 points): Cause 10,000 damage with Energy Weapons.
- Love the Bomb (15 points): Cause 10,000 damage with Explosives.
- Lead Dealer (15 points): Cause 10,000 damage with Guns.
- No Tumbler Fumbler (15 points): Pick 25 locks.
- Stim-ply Amazing (15 points): Heal 10,000 points of damage with Stimpaks.
- New Vegas Samurai (15 points): Cause 10,000 damage with Melee Weapons.
- Jury Rigger (15 points): Repair 30 items.
- Hack the Mojave (15 points): Hack 25 terminals.
- Artful Pocketer (15 points): Pick 50 pockets.
- Outstanding Orator (15 points): Make 50 Speech challenges.
- Desert Survivalist (15 points): Heal 10,000 points of damage with food.
- Old-Tyme Brawler (15 points): Cause 10,000 damage with Unarmed weapons.
- Know When to Fold Them (10 points): Win 3 games of Caravan.
- One Armed Bandit (10 points): Play 10 spins of Slots.
- Little Wheel (10 points): Play 10 spins of Roulette.
- Double Down (10 points): Play 10 hands of Blackjack.
- Caravan Master (30 points): Win 30 games of Caravan.
- The Courier Who Broke the Bank (30 points): Get banned from all the Strip's casinos.
- Hardcore (100 points): Play the game from start to finish in Hardcore Mode.
- Ain't That a Kick in the Head (10 points): Complete Ain't That a Kick in the Head.
- They Went That-a-Way (25 points): Complete They Went That-a-Way.
- Ring-a-Ding-Ding (25 points): Complete Ring-a-Ding-Ding.
- The House Always Wins (30 points): Complete The House Always Wins.
- For the Republic (30 points): Complete For the Republic.
- Render Unto Caesar (30 points): Complete Render Unto Caesar.
- Wild Card (30 points): Complete Wild Card.
- All or Nothing (15 points): Complete All or Nothing.
- Veni, Vidi, Vici (15 points): Complete Veni, Vidi, Vici.
- Eureka! (15 points): Complete Eureka!
- No Gods, No Masters (15 points): Complete No Gods, No Masters.
- Come Fly With Me (20 points): Complete Come Fly With Me.
- Talent Pool (20 points): Complete Talent Pool.
- Return to Sender (20 points): Complete Return to Sender.
- Arizona Killer (20 points): Complete Arizona Killer.
- You'll Know It When It Happens (20 points): Complete You'll Know It When It Happens.
- G.I. Blues (20 points): Complete G.I. Blues.
- That Lucky Old Sun (20 points): Complete That Lucky Old Sun.
- Volare! (20 points): Complete Volare!
- The Legend of the Star (20 points): Complete The Legend of the Star.
The following achievements require the 'Dead Money' bonus downloadable content:
- Assemble Your Crew (20 points): Recruit Dean Domino, Christine and Dog.
- Cash Out (30 points): Confront Father Elijah in the Sierra Madre's Vault.
- Having a Ball (20 points): Complete the Sierra Madre Gala Event.
- Safety Deposit Box (40 points): Trap Father Elijah in the Sierra Madre's Vault.
- Sierra Souvenir Aficionado (30 points): Collect 500 Sierra Madre Chips.
The following achievements require the 'Honest Hearts' bonus downloadable content:
- May my Hand Forget its Skill (40 points): Evacuate Zion.
- In a Foreign Land (20 points): Scout the Zion Valley for signs of the White Legs.
- O Daughter of Babylon (30 points): Crush the White Legs.
- When We Remembered Zion (20 points): Arrive at Zion.
- Restore Our Fortunes (30 points): Resupply Daniel and the Sorrows.
The following achievements require the 'Old World Blues' bonus downloadable content:
- Cardiac Arrest! (20 points): Recover X-13 cardiac regulator sneaky suit!
- Making Friends (30 points): Reactivate all of the Sink's robotic assistants.
- Make Up Your Mind (20 points): Make up your mind.. about your brain.
- Outsmarted (35 points): Complete Old World Blues.
- Spinal-Tapped! (20 points): Recover X-8 vertebrae-pulse-de-sensitizer frequency!
The following achievements require the 'Lonesome Road' bonus downloadable content:
- Condemned to Repeat It (20 points): Decided the fate of all the Divide dwellers.
- ED-Ecated (20 points): Found all of ED-E's upgrades in the Divide.
- Hometown Hero (30 points): Completed Lonesome Road.
- Rocket's Red Glare (25 points): Fully upgraded The Divide's signature weapon.
- Warhead Hunter (30 points): Detonated all of the warheads in the Divide.
The following achievements require the 'Gun Runners Arsenal' bonus downloadable content:
- Curios and Relics (15 points): Cause 10,000 damage with unique Mojave Wasteland weapons.
- Master of the Arsenal (25 points): Cause 10,000 damage with Gun Runners' Arsenal (GRA) Weapons.
- Up to the Challenge (20 points): Complete any three Gun Runners' Arsenal (GRA) one star (*) Challenges.
- Combat Veteran (25 points): Complete any three Gun Runners' Arsenal (GRA) two star (**) Challenges.
- Pros Only (40 points): Complete any three Gun Runners' Arsenal (GRA) three star (***) Challenges.