Soul Gem Mod Skyrim

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Skyrim Grand Souls

For this item in other games, see Soul Gem.

Soul Gems are naturally-occurring magic stones that house the souls of the dead. Used for enchantingweapons and armor at an arcane enchanter or for recharging previously enchanted weapons, soul gems come in various sizes and strengths: petty, lesser, common, greater, grand and black. Capturing souls in soul gems is typically done with the Soul Trapspell of the Conjurationschool of Magicka, or with a weapon that has received such an enchantment. With the exception of Azura's Star and The Black Star, using a filled soul gem destroys it.

An aspect of Skyrim's game play is the use of soul gems, and item enchantment. The game does explain how enchanting and soul gems work, but not in great depth. The slider image was taken from TonyNinja's Arcane Enchanter re-texture mod, found here. Like this article? Download it here! Guide to Soul Gems and Enchanting. I have been saving all of the soul gem fragments I can find, but I am a to there use in the game, is there a way to mend them to make soul gems or are they useless?

Skyrim GEMS is a 1-page, quick-reference catalog of lore-friendly G ameplay E nhancement M ods for S kyrim with a focus on mods that create a more realistic, immersive and challenging experience.


Soul gems can be obtained by slaying mages, magically-affiliated enemies, by purchasing them from magic shops and court wizards, mining geode veins or found as randomized loot in containers.


In Blackreach, the Dwemer underground realm, there are geode deposits. These yield soul gems with random values ranging from petty to black soul gems.


Filled and empty soul gems can be purchased from general goods merchants, court magicians and some members of the College of Winterhold. Filled gems are three to four times the price of empty ones.

Dungeon loot

  • In Dwemer ruins, most Dwarven automatons contain soul gems, ranging from petty to grand. They may or may not be filled.
  • Vampire Lairs
  • Nordic ruins
  • There are also a number of soul gems that can be found at the College of Winterhold, most of which cannot be taken without stealing. Becoming Arch-Mage revokes this crime, unless the soul gems are owned by another member of the college.
  • During a quest for Drevis Neloren, one to three free, empty soul gems of any size can be obtained.
  • Several unmarked locations on the world map.
  • The enemies in the Soul Cairn always drop soul gems, ranging from petty to black, which may or may not be filled.
  • The chests found at the top of the guard towers near the Riften Stables always possess a random unfilled soul gem.


Soul trapping

Trapping souls in soul gems requires the conjuration spell Soul Trap or a soul trap enchanted weapon. Killing an enemy with the spell cast upon them or using the enchantment draws their soul into one gem of the appropriate size. If no gem of the appropriate size exists in the inventory, the soul is captured by a higher-capacity gem. If there is no empty gem large enough, the soul is lost.An example of a weapon enchanted with the ability to capture souls is the Mace of Molag Bal. In Dawnguard, souls can be captured by activating a soul fissure in the Soul Cairn, so long as an empty soul gem is in the inventory.

Bound weapons

Bound weapons such as the bound sword or bow can automatically soul trap attacked enemies if the Conjuration perkSoul Stealer has been taken.

Compressor air filters by size. Between the compressor legs and the bench is a 1' thick rubber & cork biscuit for vibration isolation. (Pic 2) To cut down on noise I made up this manifold from copper & PVC pipe, and relocated the intake air filter(s) into the garage attic.

Soul size

Soul size is determined by enemy type. Generally, smaller or lower-leveled creatures possess lesser, petty, or common souls, such as foxes, Falmer or Chaurus. Larger or higher-leveled creatures possess greater or grand souls, such as mammoths (grand) or giants (greater).

Humanoid races possess grand souls, but can only be trapped in a black soul gem or the Daedric artifact the Black Star, which is obtained through the quest of the same name. Falmer, draugr and Rieklings are an exception, as their souls may be captured in standard gems.


Soul gems are separated into types based on the capacity they can carry. The soul gem types are petty, lesser, common, greater, grand and black.

NameWeightValueCapacityTrappable souls
Azura's Star010003000Can hold any soul, excluding those of Humanoids. (e.g. Argonians, Khajiit, Men, Mer, etc.)
The Black Star010003000Is said to only hold souls of humanoids, but in fact can hold any soul.
Petty Soul Gem0.110250Can hold creature souls below level 4.
Lesser Soul Gem0.225500Can hold creature souls below level 16.
Common Soul Gem0.3501000Can hold creature souls below level 28.
Greater Soul Gem0.41002000Can hold creature souls below level 38.
Grand Soul Gem0.52003000Can hold any soul, excluding those of Humanoids
Black Soul Gem15003000Can hold any soul, including those of Humanoids.
Soul Gem Fragment0.150Cannot hold souls.


The following are creatures that give souls:

Petty Souls

Frostbite Spider

Lesser Souls

Alpha Wolf
Ash Hopper
Draugr Overlord
Draugr Wight
Falmer Skulker
Flame Atronach
Giant Frostbite Spider
Ice Wolf
Ice Wraith
Restless Draugr
Saber Cat
Spectral Warhound
Wounded Frostbite Spider

Common Souls

Cave Bear
Chaurus Reaper
Draugr Deathlord
Draugr Scourge
Draugr Scourge Lord
Falmer Gloomlurker
Falmer Nightprowler
Falmer Shadowmaster
Frost Atronach
Frost Troll
Hulking Draugr
Snow Bear
Spriggan Matron

Greater Souls

Chaurus Hunter
Draugr Deathlord
Storm Atronach
Spriggan Earth MotherDG
Burnt SprigganDR

Grand Souls

Corrupted Shade
Dragon Priest
Draugr Death Overlord
Falmer WarmongerDG
Guardian Saerek
Guardian Torsten
Riekling ChargerDR

Black Soul Gems

In addition to the creatures above, black soul gems can be used for gathering souls from:

  • Any character, hostile or otherwise, from any of the ten playable races.

After a black soul gem is used, the soul used is sent to the Soul Cairn, a plane of Oblivion where only the dead and the undead can exist, under normal circumstances.


  • The soul gem designs appear similar to Aura Quartz, special quartz crystals that are put in a high temperature vacuum and have had either gold, titanium, iron or other metals fused on in powdered form. It gives the crystal different colors of metallic sheen, varying from transparent to opaque.
  • Outside of inventory, mousing over a soul gem does not reveal whether the gem is filled or not.


This section contains bugs related to Soul Gem (Skyrim). Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:

  1. Please reload an old save to confirm if the bug is still happening.
  2. If the bug is still occurring, please post the bug report with the appropriate system template 360 / XB1 , PS3 / PS4 , PC / MAC , NX , depending on which platform(s) the bug has been encountered on.
  3. Be descriptive when listing the bug and fixes, but avoid having conversations in the description and/or using first-person anecdotes: such discussions belong on the appropriate forum board.
  • PC 360 PS3 Soul gems that have been self-filled (using the Soul Trap enchantment or spell) can lose their souls when dropped or stored in containers. They also will not stack (i.e. each one appears separately in inventory). This happens regardless of whether the soul is the 'proper' size for the gem (e.g. a common soul in a common soul gem).
    • The only workaround for this is to keep all self-filled soul gems in inventory. Despite claims to the contrary, this has not been fixed in any patch.

See also


Discussions about Soul Gem (Skyrim)

  • Ethics of soul gems?

    • I only use soul gems on the evil people. I couldent imagine sending wildlife and white souls to the soul carin Unless they..
    • I once soul trapped Nazeem and used his soul to enchant my boots. Now I'm stepping on him every time I walk.
  • Enemy soul level is wrongly indicated

    • I think it's glitches in my game on 360 its black..not PC it's grand..and on my Xbox's petty..
    • I have noticed quite a few differences too. Playing Skyrim Special Edition on PC with mods, but none should change soul levels. Sabre Cat..

Possible Duplicate:
How do I know what type of soul a creature has?

There are a few questions on soul gems and how they work or where to find them, but nothing on which creatures fit into which sizes of soul gems.

There are petty, lesser, common, greater and grand soul gems, as well as black soul gems.

So instead of me taking one of each gem and seeing what soul gets put into what gem, I'd like to get someone to tell me quickly which creatures can fill which soul gems.

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marked as duplicate by Private Pansy, kotekzot, galacticninja, Iszi, fredleyNov 5 '12 at 17:13

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

3 Answers

The rule of thumb when hunting animals is that:

  • Any weak hostile animal or passive animal will go into a petty gem (rabbit, fox, goat, wolf, dog, chicken, mudcrab, slaughterfish, cow, elk, skeever).
  • Any moderately powerful animal or rare passive animal will go into a lesser gem (sabre cat, horse, snow fox, pit wolf, ice wolf, charus).
  • The strongest animals go into a common gem (bears, charus reapers)
  • The very largest animal (mammoth) goes in a grand gem.

When fighting Draugr and the undead:

  • The basic form (draugr, skeleton) goes in a petty gem.
  • The slightly stronger forms (restless, wight) go in a lesser gem.
  • The stronger forms (sourge, overlord) go in a common gem.
  • The strongest forms (deathlord) goes in a greater gem.

When fighting Atronachs:

  • Flame atronachs go in lesser gems.
  • Frost atronachs go in common gems.
  • Storm atronachs go in greater gems.

When fighting Skyrim's natural monsters:

  • Trolls and spriggans go in lesser gems.
  • Frost trolls and hagravens go in common gems.
  • Giants and wispmothers go in greater gems.

When fighting Falmer:

  • Most falmer (falmer, gloomlurker, skulker) go in lesser gems.
  • Stronger falmer (nightprowler, shadowmaster) go in common gems.

Dwemer constructs are machines, and as such do not have souls.

Grand gems are only needed for Ghosts and Mammoths, making fighting these creatures desirable for the best enchantments. They can also be used to capture 'special' enemies, such as the Dragon Priests. Dragon souls are consumed by the Dragonborn; you cannot soul trap Dragons. Black soul gems are used for capturing the souls of creatures normally protected by Arkay - NPCs of any of the playable races. Their souls are of 'Grand' size, making them also desirable for the best enchantments. Soul gem fragments are broken soul gems, and are not useful for anything.

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Checkout the Skyrim wiki page on souls for a list.

  • Alpha Wolf Petty
  • Bear Common
  • Cave Bear Common
  • Chaurus Reaper Common
  • Chaurus Lesser
  • Chicken Petty
  • Corrupted Shade LeveledL:1x, Petty
  • Cow Petty
  • Deer Petty
  • Dog Petty
  • Dragon Priest Grand
  • Draugr Death Overlord Greater, Grand
  • Draugr Deathlord Common, Greater, Grand
  • Draugr Overlord Common
  • Draugr Restless Lesser
  • Draugr Scourge Lord Common
  • Draugr Scourge Common
  • Draugr Thrall Petty
  • Draugr Wight Lesser
  • Draugr Petty
  • Dremora Kynreeve Grand (Black)
  • Dwarven Centurion N.D.
  • Dwarven Sphere N.D.
  • Dwarven Spider Worker N.D.
  • Elk Petty
  • Falmer Gloomlurker Lesser
  • Falmer Nightprowler Common
  • Falmer Shadowmaster Common, Grand
  • Falmer Skulker Lesser
  • Falmer Lesser
  • Flame Atronach Lesser
  • Fox Petty
  • Frost Atronach Common
  • Frost Troll Common
  • Frostbite Spider Petty, Lesser
  • Ghost Grand
  • Giant Frostbite Spider Lesser
  • Giant Greater
  • Goat Petty
  • Hagraven Common
  • Hawk N.D.
  • Horker Petty
  • Horse Lesser
  • Ice Wolf Lesser
  • Ice Wraith Lesser
  • King Olaf One-Eye Grand
  • Magic Anomaly LeveledL:1.75x
  • Mammoth Grand
  • Mudcrab Petty
  • Potema's Remains Grand
  • Pit Wolf Lesser
  • Rabbit Petty
  • Red Eagle LeveledL:Special
  • Restless Draugr Lesser
  • Sabre Cat Lesser
  • Skeever Petty
  • Skeleton Petty
  • Slaughterfish Petty
  • Snow Bear Common
  • Snow Fox Lesser
  • Snowy Sabre Cat Lesser
  • Spriggan Matron Common
  • Spriggan Lesser
  • Storm Atronach Greater
  • The Pale Lady Greater
  • Troll Lesser
  • Udefrykte N.D.
  • Werewolf Lesser
  • Wispmother Greater
  • Wisp N.D.
  • Wolf Petty
  • Wounded Frostbite Spider Lesser
9,3428 gold badges59 silver badges103 bronze badges

I believe it's like this:

Petty soul gem = creature souls below level 4.

Lesser soul gem = creature souls below level 16.

Common soul gem = creature souls below level 28.

Greater soul gem = creature souls below level 38,

Grand soul gem = any creature soul.

Black soul gem = any humanoid (e.g., bandits, elves, orcs, basically all NPCs) soul.

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