The Knights Of The Vale

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'Four squads…'

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  2. The Knights Of The Vale

'Knights of the Vale' is part of the Histories& Lore, a special feature from Game of Thrones: The Complete Sixth Season. It is narrated by Aidan Gillen as Lord Petyr Baelish. Petyr Baelish recounts the might and chivalry of the Knights of the Vale of Arryn throughout the centuries.

Standing before the reinforced glass of the bridge, staring down at the besieged planet, Sergeant Corvus took a moment to honor his fallen battle brothers. The fight for the Galica system had been a bloody and more importantly, costly war for the Iron Knights Chapter. The planet, besieged by the Tau Empire had been at war for several months before the Iron Knights had arrived in system to offer aid, and while the appearance of the Iron Knights 2nd, 5th and 7th companies had quickly turned battle in favor of the Imperium, the arrival of Chaos forces after the recent defeat of the Tau had quickly proven to be the breaking point for the battle-weary Imperial forces.

In a last ditch effort, Captain Mederax had lead the entirety of the Iron Knights contingent in a full-on assault of the Chaos stronghold along with supporting forces from the Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle and Knight House Varix. While ultimately successful in eradicating the Chaos forces, the casualties suffered by the loyalist forces had been catastrophic. His Captain had fallen, his final action, a duel that would be remembered in the halls of the Iron Knights' fortress monastery for the remainder of time, saw to the death of both the Chaos Warlord and Sorcerer. Corvus could not bring himself to smile though, for the Chaos scum had made the Iron Knights pay a bloody toll for each foot gained. The 2nd and 7th companies were destroyed in their entirety, only several tanks and transports surviving to carry on their legacy while the 5th Company had been reduced to a mere eighteen Battle-Brothers.

Eighteen out of one hundred Astartes.

With the threat of both Chaos and Xenos expunged, The Iron Knights 5th Company had collected their remaining forces, a mere token of what had arrived, as well as a stranded squad of Sisters led by Palatine Aurora and the only remaining Knight of House Varix and returned to their Battle Barge, The Silver Blade.

'My Lord.' A voice, quiet, reserved, but unbroken after the harsh battle that had raged in the stars above the planet. Turning his head slightly, but not actually facing the woman behind him, Corvus remained silent, no words needing to be given for the woman to continue speaking. 'The final transport has just returned, we can begin preparations for warp transit.'

With a heavy sigh, Corvus stepped away from the view screen, taking tentative steps to approach the raised platform that Captain Mederax had used to command the bridge of The Silver Blade. Offering another silent prayer for the souls of his fallen brothers, Corvus stepped onto the raised platform and nodded to the new Shipmaster. The woman, Silvira Manos, if memory served him, young in age and appearance, but steadfast in her loyalty to the Emperor, had taken over the title of Shipmaster after Shipmaster Archatinos Humiel Aviris perished during a daring run against the Chaos fleet. Sitting upon the command throne, Silvira flinched as the cables from the command throne connected with her for the first time.

'Shipmaster Silvira.' Corvus spoke, his voice quiet, but easily heard over the silence of the bridge. Many lives had been lost during the campaign and the Iron Knights would be hard pressed to replenish their numbers. 'Begin warp transit.'

Stepping down, Corvus quickly turned, giving Captain Mederax's…no, his crew a final glance before walking out of the bridge. Corvus heard Silvira announce the jump, he felt the ship slip into the Immaterium. Walking silently through the empty halls of The Silver Blade, Corvus contemplated the consequences of the Chapter's casualties.

'Doubts, brother?' The voice from the shadows had Corvus spinning toward the sound, hand reaching down to grip the hilt of his power sword. Before he could draw, the owner of the voice stepped forward, the appearance black armor and skull helm easing his tensed muscles as he nodded in greeting to the 5th Company's Chaplain.

'Chaplain Nollus.' Corvus spoke, standing firm as the Chaplain stepped toward him, stopping just within arm's reach. The two stood there in silence as the Nollus took in the appearance of Corvus, his Skull helm taking in every detail of the Sergeant's youthful visage. The silence only lasted a handful of seconds, the Chaplain's ability to pick up on the mood of his charges allowed him to cut to the core of Corvus' current distress.

'The Chapter will survive, Corvus.' His words were blunt, but spoken in a way that purged all doubt from Corvus' mind. 'Do not dwell on things you cannot control, instead, focus on the responsibilities you have been appointed.'

'I understand, but I fear that nothing I do will improve our situation.' Corvus admitted, his head dropping to stare down at the ancient relic blade now sheathed on his hip. The eye lenses of Nollus' helm followed Corvus' gaze, locking onto the blade retrieved from the corpse of their fallen Captain.

'Lightbringer.' Nollus declared, the word drawing Corvus' attention back to him. 'A fitting name in times such as this, would you not agree?'

Corvus glanced back down at the hilt, its golden hilt shinning even in the dark corridors of the ship.

'That blade has been in the Chapter since its creation. First carried by Captain Invium of the 5th, then passed down to his successor, Captain Virion, later passed onto Captain Mederax, and now.' Nollus waited until Corvus met his motionless gaze. 'It passes on to you.'

'But am I worthy of it?' Corvus asked, his voice hesitant. Feeling a strong hand clasp his armor's pauldron, Corvus looked behind him to see the scarred and weathered face of Librarian Caxus.

'There is no one who can answer that question except yourself, Corvus.' The Librarian's tone was not one of scorn or disrespect, but of a father teaching a son. 'Only time and your actions will prove rather you are fit to lead us in the coming days.'

'He speaks the truth, Corvus.' Nollus drew the sergeant's attention back to himself. 'You must put aside any doubts or fears. Your brothers are strong, but right now they need someone to lead them. It is time for you to lead us from the darkness.'

'You're right, thank you, brothers.' Corvus looked to his brothers, his eyes showing a new fire of determination as he nodded his thanks to each. 'Gather our brothers and the survivors we've rescued in the main hangar. I will address them within the hour.'

Corvus stepped away from his peers, his stride powerful as he walked with new purpose toward the main hangar of The Silver Blade. The few remaining serfs aboard the Blade bowed their heads in reverence or offered quiet prayers to the Emperor as he passed by. Upon reaching the hangar, Corvus stepped forward, palming the door interface and taking in the view as the doors slid open.

All throughout the hangar, rows upon rows of armor belonging to both Space Marines and Sisters filled the open floor, numbering in the hundreds, but even still, the makeshift motor pool barely filled a quarter of the massive bay. Looking to the right, he saw the remaining Knight of house Varix, now a Freeblade, undergoing repairs by the 5th Company's Techmarine, Sicarus as Lady Veroia watched and assisted when possible.

Corvus focused in on his destination. The only remaining Iron Knights Land Raider after the battle on Galica. The revered machine sat alone, forty feet of open space on each side. A simple sign of respect that the Guardsmen showed to the ancient war machine. Reaching the massive tank, Corvus cast his gaze upon it, taking in every detail. There were scratches where the paint had been chipped away by explosions and fragmentation, gouges and pockmarks where bullets and claws had torn away its armor, but nothing had penetrated its metallic hide.

Nothing had stopped the venerable machines mechanical heart.

It was a strange sensation, realizing that this holy machine, having taken beatings and blasts that no human or Space Marine could ever hope to survive and still stood proudly before him, its machine spirit ready to bring His righteous fury upon the enemies of man. Corvus could feel hope rise in him, His chapter would survive and he would lead them out of the darkness. He would lead the 5th Company to glory or he would die in His name.

Climbing atop the Land Raider, Corvus stood tall, gazing over the cavernous space of the hangar and taking in the sights once more. The doors to the Hangar opened, allowing his remaining brothers to file in. At the head was Brother-Sergeant Ortyros, standing above the rest as he lead the two survivors of his Terminator squad, next came Brother-Sergeant Reave, his helm cradled under his left arm as his devastator squad filed in behind him. From the far door entered Brother-Sergeant Ferror, his only surviving squad member beside him as the two assault marines looking around before spotting Corvus atop the Land Raider and beginning their approach. The last of Corvus' brothers to enter the Hangar was his own squad, Brother Tellin leading Brothers Nicolai and Marshall towards their sergeant. Chaplain Nollus and Librarian Caxus brought up the rear, signaling that all remaining members of the 5th Company were present.

As he waited for his Brothers to form up before him, he watched as Chaplain Nollus and Librarian Caxus climbed up to stand behind Corvus, Caxus to his left and Nollus to his right. Each carried an item with them, but Corvus was neither compelled nor cared for what they were, his only thoughts being on how he would inspire his brothers and the other Imperial forces.

'Is this everyone?' Corvus questioned, his head turning to look over his right shoulder at Chaplain Nollus.

'We are still waiting for Palatine Aurora and the remaining Sisters to arrive. They were in the middle of prayer, but promised that they would be here.' Nollus answered, the lenses of his skull helm moving between the four squads before them.

'Thank you, Chaplain. Librarian Caxus?' Corvus turned his attention to Caxus on his left. 'Have we received word from Brycantia?'

'Our home world remains silent, Brother, but I have no doubt that they await our return.' Caxus replied, his jade eyes looking through Corvus' helmet lenses into his own.

+Apothecary Taros.+ Corvus spoke into his vox. +Please join us in the main hangar.+

Corvus received a quick affirmative from the apothecary before switching channels and calling to the Techmarine across the bay.

+Brother Sicarus, please bring Lady Veroia and yourself.+ Sicarus turned toward Corvus, the red-armored Techmarine nodding, turning to Lady Veroia before the two began making their way to the assembly.

Turning back to the surviving 5th Company, Corvus reached up and removed his Mark 6 helm and clipped it to his waist. Seeing this, the remaining members of the Iron Knights replicated his movements, each removing their own helms and either cradling them in their left arms or clipping them to their waists.

Corvus' attention was drawn toward one of the hangar entrances as Palatine Aurora entered followed by her remaining Sisters from the Order of the Sacred Rose's Mission. Palatine Aurora led her Sisters to the assembly and upon reaching it, stood firm with her Sisters, looking up at Corvus upon the Land Raider.

For the next five minutes, Corvus simply watched as the Imperial forces gathered before him, his enhanced eyes taking in every detail of the battle-worn troops. Brothers and Sisters had gouges in their armor or gashes on their faces. None had left Galica unscathed, but alive none-the-less. With a small breath and a quick prayer to the Emperor, Corvus began his address.

'Brothers!' He spoke, his voice strong, carrying his words to all gathered as he looked across faces before him, making sure to lock eyes with his fellow sergeants before turning to the Palatine. 'Sisters! The campaign for Galica has ended and seen to the death of both Xenos and Traitor alike, but our victory came at a cost.'

Corvus paused, watching as the head of every person in the hangar lowered in a show of respect to the fallen. Waiting until all eyes were upon him once more before continuing.

'But we must not falter! To do so would be to spit on the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters! Our battle here is finished and we now make our way to Brycantia, our home world. Do not let this battle dishearten you, for you have survived to continue the Emperor's work! Now go. Tend to your wounds and take stock of your supplies, but remember that on this day, when Mankind was challenged by the foul xenos and the Arch-Foe, that it was your sacrifice and the sacrifices of the fallen that led to the liberation of Galica and to victory!' Corvus threw a fist into the air, receiving cheers and war-cries from his brothers. His heart swelled with pride as he saw the renewed vigor and the steel determination in each of his brothers' eyes. Even Palatine Aurora and her Sisters cheered, shouting praises to the Emperor.

Stepping forward, Corvus dropped from the Land Raider, landing with a loud thump before two more thumps announced that the Librarian and Chaplain had followed. Walking toward the Palatine, Corvus held out his right hand, offering a smile as Palatine Aurora accepted the gesture and did her best to clasp his arm with her own. A warriors greeting between two servants of the Emperor.

'We can arrange for transport back to Terra once we reach Brycantia, Palatine.' Corvus stated, releasing the Palatine's hand.

'We would appreciate it. There are rites and prayers to be said for the fallen in the meantime.' Aurora replied offering a solemn smile before turning to her remaining sister and nodding toward the door to the hangar. 'If you should have need of us, we shall be in our quarters.'

'Thank you, sister. Know that you are welcome to make use of the chapel should you wish. Chaplain Nollus is always available to lead prayer.' Corvus gestured to the Chaplain who stepped forward to stand beside him.

'We appreciate it, broth-' Aurora's words were interrupted as she suddenly grasped her head, screaming in pain and dropping to her knees. The remaining sisters suffered the same fate, each collapsing as they released ear-shattering screams. The Marines of the 5th Company made to assist them, but were suddenly struck in a similar fashion. Corvus watched as his brother's fell to their knees, each gasping and clenching their teeth in pain before he himself came under attack. It felt as though a hot spike had been plunged into his mind, an obvious trait of psychic attack, but even with that knowledge, he had no way of finding its source.

Fighting through the pain, Corvus forced his eyes to their Librarian, if there were anyone who could ward of this attack, it would be Caxus. Corvus felt his hope shatter instantly upon seeing the Librarian. The ancient marine was on his hands and knees, blood dripping from his nose, eyes and mouth as he, unbeknownst to Corvus, took the brunt of the psychic attack.

Images began to flash through his mind. He saw a lush, green forest with the ruins from some ancient civilization. There were people there, six girls and two boys, fighting against two daemons. One appeared to be avian in nature while the second looked like a massive scorpion, both were pitch black and covered in strange, bone like fragments. Four of the children fought against the scorpion and seemed to be led by a boy with blonde hair wielding a sword and shield while the remaining four fought the avian.

The second image he saw was some grand building, faintly resembling Imperial architecture. There were children, tens of them wearing a similar uniform, all walking around the assumed Schola, some were together while some were on their own. Humans mixed with abhumans, mutants with animal features and while he would normally feel divine fury toward these heretics, he felt a sense of calm and protectiveness. He could barely understand it before the next image appeared.

A man, wearing a suit of green with a cane. His hair was grey and the eyes that peered through the small glasses on his face showed a certain intellect and cunning that would be on par with many Inquisitors. He had a faint smirk on his face as he sat behind a wooden desk in front of large windows. Beside him stood a blonde woman wearing a white shirt and black skirt with a small, tattered black cape hanging from her shoulders. A riding crop was held in her crossed arms while the stern glare she wore spoke of a disciplined teacher. Before the two sat the four girls he had seen earlier fighting the avian creature, their backs to him, making it impossible to see their features aside from their hair. Blonde, black, white and black with red tips. Again he felt the same sense of protectiveness, but now also felt a sense of respect, of companionship.

The final image showed a city, small compared to the Imperial hive cities, but impressive enough in its own right. As the images faded, they were replaced by a faint golden light that was quickly becoming brighter by the second until Corvus' eyes hurt, but he could not bring himself to look away or close his eyes.

'This world is known as Remnant.' The voice was deep and confident, the power behind it causing Corvus to drop to his knees. 'It is a world filled with life, both human and Faunus, but there is a darkness here. Civilization has been brought to the brink of extinction, cowering behind the walls of their cities, but even now, forces plot from the shadows within their own walls.'

'Who are you? Why are you showing me this?' Corvus could barely bring his voice above a whisper, but the confusion and hesitance showed clear as day in his tone.

'Your brothers and sisters worship me daily and launch crusades in my honor, though I am no god, just a man with immense power.' The voice responded. Corvus' eyes widened as realization dawned on him

'The God-Emperor.' The words were barely a whisper past his lips, but the Emperor of man heard them as if he'd shouted them in his face.

'I am no god, child. I am a man just like you. I will not ask you to change your beliefs, but we are getting off track and we do not have much time left. I am sending your ship and your crew to Remnant. A world untouched by the forces of Chaos and the machinations of Xenos. Upon your arrival, speak to your Librarian and Navigator, you will see why.' Corvus wanted to ask why, he had so many questions, but even now, he could feel himself waking.

'Protect them, both human and Faunus, protect them from the darkness and from the powers that wish to see them destroyed. Seek out Beacon and you will find answers.'

The golden light faded, the final words echoed in his mind as his eyes slowly opened to show the main hangar. Around him were his remaining brothers as well as Palatine Aurora, the sisters and Lady Veroia. Groggily, Corvus pushed himself back onto his feet, his mind throbbing as the images went through his mind once more.

'Brother Corvus.' Corvus felt a pair of arms grab him to help steady his swaying body, and experience foreign to the Space Marine since his implantations.

'Sicarus.' Corvus stated after seeing the Techmarine before him. 'A vision. I saw-'

'Be still brother, you're still weary from the Emperor's message.' Sicarus interrupted as he moved away to check on the others.

'You spoke with Him as well?' Corvus asked, kneeling down slowly to check Chaplain Nollus.

'No, He showed me images of a world called Remnant and told me that you would have a mission for us.' Sicarus paused, his head bowing down with a solemn expression. 'He did not deem me worthy of conversation.'

'Do not think such things, Brother.' Corvus replied instantly, drawing the Techmarine's gaze. 'The Emperor saw fit to bless you with a holy vision as well as give us guidance. Do not think for one second that you are unworthy after receiving His direct attention.'

'You're right. Forgive me, brother.' Sicarus' eyes seemed to bare new life in them as he went back to reviving the fallen. Corvus watched him for a moment longer before turning back to the downed Chaplain.

After several minutes of shaking and stirring the still unconscious members of his Company and their allies, the group's now stood in a circle with Corvus in the middle.

'Did you all receive the vision?' Corvus asked, receiving nods as well as verbal affirmatives. 'Did the Emperor say anything to you all?'

Palatine Aurora stepped forward, drawing the attention of all present.

'Our Father informed me of our mission. He told me we should seek a Schola known as Beacon to find answers.' Aurora announced, receiving nods from those gathered.

'He said the same to me as well.' Corvus confirmed. 'I feel as though we should search for the man in the green suit. I felt a sense of respect for him when I saw him in the vision.'

+Sergeant Corvus, are you there?!+ Silvira's voice came over his vox before he could speak any further.

+I'm here, Shipmistress.+ Corvus replied, gaining looks from the assembly.

+We need you at the bridge, immediately!+ Silvira's panicked voice was all the motivation Corvus needed before he took off from the hangar, his brothers and the Sisters of Battle following him along with Lady Veroia who was barely able to keep pace with them as they charged through the halls of the ship. Upon reaching the bridge, Corvus came upon the sight of two serfs as well as the Shipmistress standing before the door leading to the Navigator's chamber.

'Shipmaster, what's happened?' Corvus asked as he stepped toward the young woman, his brothers and the Sisters moving to take positions that covered the door should things go wrong.

'I don't know, my Lord.' Silvira replied, bowing her head in respect before continuing. 'We were traveling through the warp when suddenly everyone came under some sort of psychic attack, but it was a vision, my Lord! A vision from the Emperor!'

'Calm yourself, Shipmistress. We received the same vision as well as instructions on our next mission.' Corvus replied. 'Now tell me, has something happened to the navigator?'

'We don't know, my Lord. Lady Calixa was screaming and crying when we all awoke, but the door to her chamber is locked. Only an Astarte can override the lockdown.'

'I see. Caxus, Nollus. With me.' Corvus stepped toward the door, gesturing for the naval serfs to move away before drawing his power sword. After a quick glance to see if the Chaplain and Librarian were ready, Corvus input his personal authorization code, opening the door and stepping in. Before him was a steep set of stairs leading to a level above and back from the bridge where another door sat at the top. The enhanced senses of the Space Marines allowed for them to hear the terrified screams of the Navigator and without further delay, the three raced up the steps, entering the room with their weapons ready. Upon entering the small chamber, the three marines focused their gaze on the petite woman curled into a ball in the corner of the room, her arms wrapped around her legs as she buried her face into her knees and sobbed.

'Navigator!' Nollus exclaimed, causing the woman's head to snap up and focus on the source of the voice.

'M-my Lords.' Calixa stuttered, tears streaming down her face as she quickly slowly stood up, weary at the sight of the three armed Astartes.

'Be calm, young one. Tell us what has happened.' Caxus questioned, stepping forward with his hands up and palms out, signaling for the girl to calm herself.

'I-I can't see it, my Lord.' Calixa quickly found herself panicking once more. 'I keep looking' searching, but no matter where I look, it's no longer there!'

'What are you talking about? What's not there?' Corvus stepped forward, his power sword at his side, ready to strike out should Calixa try anything.

'His light! The Astronimcon is gone!' Calixa once more dropped to her knees, burying her face into her hands as she sobbed. 'I can't find it. He said not to worry, but I can't not worry! There's no way home!'

The three marines shared glances with one another. No doubt the Navigator had received the same vision as them as well as words from the Emperor, but none could have imagined this. Caxus closed his eyes, faint blue energy shining from behind his eyelids as he drew upon his powers. It lasted only a moment before the glow faded and his eyes opened once more.

'She speaks the truth. The Astronimcon is gone.'

None spoke as the news settled in. With the light of the Astronimcon absent, there was no way to navigate the Warp. No way for them to return to Imperial space.

They were stuck.

'Lady Calixa.' Corvus spoke, approaching the crying woman and kneeling down before her. Calixa's head slowly rose from her hands to look up at Corvus. 'Do not panic, for we are exactly where the Emperor needs us. Now go to your quarters and rest. It has been a difficult day for us all.'

Standing back up, Corvus turned away and exited the Navigator's chambers, followed by Caxus and Nollus as he returned to the bridge.

'My Lords, is Lady Calixa...' Silvira's words trailed off as she tried to look back up the steps toward the Navigator's chamber.

'Lady Calixa is fine, Shipmistress, but I fear she has given troubling news.' Corvus took a deep breath as he looked around the bridge at the crew, his brothers and the Sisters. 'We are outside the range of the Astronimcon. There is no way home.'

Silence was his answer

The looks of both shock and confusion marred the faces of all those who had heard his words. Corvus allowed for the words to settle. Watching as his brothers and sisters drew their own conclusions as to what that news entailed.

'What does this mean for us?' It was the voice of the Hospitaller that finally broke the silence.

'The Emperor has given us our mission.' Corvus answered, though his tone was solemn. 'I suspect we were never intended to return from it.'

'Take heart, Brothers and Sisters.' Palatine Aurora stepped forth, drawing the attention of everyone present as her Emerald eyes bore into the souls of those present. 'Our Father has given us a sacred duty and I will not allow his Angels nor his daughters to turn their backs on him simply because they may not return home. We were chosen by Him from untold trillions. We must not give Him cause to doubt.'

Corvus watched the effects of Aurora's speech. His brothers stood taller, their eyes void of any concern, His sisters bowed their heads, but small smiles showed on each of their faces. Corvus glanced to his left, seeing the Chaplain give a nod of approval before stepping away from the group and moving toward the large windows of the bridge. Librarian Caxus followed a moment later, the two ancient marines standing side by side as they observed the planet in front of them.

'Prepare for deployment and meet back in the main hangar.' Corvus ordered, locking eyes with each of his Sergeants. 'Let us not delay.'

Corvus received nods from each Sergeant before they quickly filed out of the bridge toward the armories.

'I shall prepare the gunships.' Sicarus commented before exiting after his brothers. Turning to Lady Veroia, Corvus took in the sight of the petite woman. Her bleached hair was pulled into a ponytail, though strands had become wild after she'd tried to keep up with his brothers as they rushed to the bridge, but her hard, blue eyes showed a willingness to do what needed to be done.

'Is your Knight combat ready?' Corvus questioned, his gaze and firm tone asking not for hollow boasts, but the truth.

'The Laughing Queen is ready, but she is not yet fully repaired.' Veroia admitted, her blue eyes never failing to meet his gaze.

'What are her limitations?'

The Knights Of The Vale Youtube

'Her weapons are at optimal capacity as is her Ion shield and her Machine Spirit is strong, but she still bares signs of battle on her armor. Nothing that will interfere with combat, I assure you, my Lord.'

'Then prepare your Knight. You will drop with us to the planet and assist as we secure a foothold.' Veroia made the sign of the Aquila in front of her chest as she bowed her head before leaving the bridge to prepare her knight. Corvus turned toward the interior of the bridge seeking out the Shipmistress and spotting her upon her throne. He approached, taking position to her right as he looked out the windows toward the planet.

'Have the scans picked up anything?'

'They have, my Lord.' Silvira answered, bringing forth images taken from the long range scanners with but a thought. 'There are four major settlements on the planet's surface with smaller villages interspersed throughout the lands.'

'Have you found the Schola we are looking for?' He questioned scanning through the images before him.

'I'm sorry, my Lord, but The Blade won't be able to get high resolution images from this range.' Silvira answered, pressing a few buttons on the arm of her command throne. 'However we were able to find a forest that seems to match the images from the vision and I'd bet anything that the Schola would be located either in or near one of the main settlements.'

As she spoke, and indicator appeared on one of the images, showing a vast expanse of green next to the outline of a small city. Looking closely, Corvus couldn't help but to agree with the Shipmistress. There were no other forests on the images that could match what they had all seen.


'Understood. We shall deploy here.' Corvus indicated the area with a finger, pointing out a small clearing near the settlement where the faint indicators of ruins could be seen.

'Telemetry reports that the area is at the base of a large cliff with a chasm separating the clearing from the cliff face.' Silvira informed, bringing up elevation markings on the map.

'We shall make it work. Send the images to the Sergeants with all pertinent information.' Striding forward, Corvus joined Nollus and Caxus at the bridge windows. 'Will you be joining us, Brothers?'

The Knights Of The Vale

'I dare not shirk the responsibility bestowed upon us by the Emperor.' Caxus replied, turning to Corvus with a smile.

'I wish to see these humans and Faunus for myself.' Nollus answered, still looking to the planet below. 'They must be rather special if He has seen to offer protection.'

'Indeed, Brother.' Corvus whispered.