Morrowind Dual Wield Mod

Morrowind Dual Wield Mod Rating: 8,1/10 3572 votes

'The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion' features dozens of weapons, though by default, the player can only equip one at a time. If the player wants to wield two swords at once, he must first install Evantal's 'Duel Wielding,' a free mod available via The Elder Scrolls Nexus. The mod adds additional one-handed weapons, which the player can equip in the shield slot. Although this gives the player the appearance of using two weapons, in reality, the second sword is purely defensive.

Download Evantal's 'Dual Wielding' mod from The Elder Scrolls Nexus. To access the download link, first click on the 'Files (1)' tab immediately above the mod description.

Morrowind Dual Wield Mod

Everything works perfectly fine for me, thanks for the unique mod! The only problem I have is the fact that there are no medium 'shield's (left hand weapons), or maybe I am missing something? Shortblades become light and longblades become heavy.

Install an unzipping program if you don't already have one. Free options include '7-Zip,' 'jZip' and 'WinRar.'

Unzip the mod directly into your 'OblivionData' folder. By default, the game installs to 'Program FilesBethesda SoftwareOblivion.'

Plugin volumen para sketchup 2016. Start 'Oblivion,' but before pressing 'Play,' press 'Data Files.' Check the box next to Evantal's 'Dual Wielding.'

Load a saved game or start a new game. Travel to the Imperial City, located in the center of Cryodill.

Visit 'A Fighting Chance.' It's located in the marketplace, across from the warehouse. Speak with the shopkeeper to purchase the dual-wielding swords.

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I've been playing Skyrim for a while now, and still have not figured out how to properly create a hot-key to my dual wield setup. I've tested with spells, which easily allow you to select multiple spells or dual wield the same spell. But with weapons, if I use my hot-keys to switch to a spell in my left hand, and then afterwards, hit the hot-key for my weapon, it just swaps the weapon I have in my right hand, keeping the spell in my left hand. It makes it very annoying to harvest souls, as I have to open the Quick menu each time, and manually select it in the proper hand.

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William MariagerWilliam Mariager
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3 Answers

What works for me:

Dual Wield Mod 1.6.4

  1. Favorite the weapons
  2. Equip them in the proper hands
  3. Assign a hotkey only to the one in the right hand

Now, only hit that hotkey when that's not already the equipped weapon, and you should get both.

If you do accidentally hit the hotkey when the weapon is equipped already, sometimes you'll end up de-equipping the left hand weapon; just hit the hotkey again to re-equip it.


The only scenario in which you can do this is if you have two identical weapons. Remember that the goal is to be able to switch to your dual wield setup, and that using a spell when dual-wielding will always start off in the off-hand (hitting it twice will dual-cast it).

If you have two identical weapons (so they get listed as Glass Sword (2)), you can set up a favorite and link a hotkey to them. Hitting that hotkey twice will dual wield the weapons.

Hopefully they'll address the ability to fully hotkey dual wielding at some point.


Go on inventory and press F on the items you want as a favorite then press Q whilst playing and press 1-8 for the hotkey you want on the item


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