La Noire Pc Mods

La Noire Pc Mods Rating: 7,8/10 9802 votes

I am playing the latest version of LA Noire on pc, maxed out. I noticed the game looks decent there are still a lot of jagged edges, distorted looking shadows, and weird texture effects and the hair on characters looks like crap. Are there any ways to make these things go away? Or is this just a case of consoles effecting pc game quality? I also have some choppy cut scenes, with a 2 gtx 465s in sli this should not be happening.

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  1. La Noire Trainers

La Noire Trainers

La Noire Pc Mods

May 18, 2019  @skyrix at this moment this is the only and the best mod there is but it sucks that theres no interior(and yes iknow that there is no pictures or videos or anything from the interior so its understandble)but the rear light god its ugly IRL it has a pattern and it awsome but here its very wierd just a giant red glass i hope you fix it it an update than its a five star without a doubt thanks for. Vehicles play a major role in L.A. They are used as the primary means of transportation while moving through the city of Los Angeles. Vehicles are invaluable to Cole Phelps during his investigations, who uses them to travel quickly between locations and to chase criminals in high-speed. Hey guys, if the trainer doesn't work or stops working, you can always follow the game guide on ign - for correct answers to every interrogation and such thing, where evidence is etc.

It is amazing how incredible the facial animations are if only the rest of the game looked as good. I do enjoy the game though it is different from anything I have ever played.